Road Safety Engineering
Road Safety Engineering is a process, based on analysis of road and traffic related accident information, which applies engineering principles in order to identify road design or traffic management improvements that will reduce the number and severity of road accidents in the most cost effective manner.
Making the road network safer through engineering measures offers the most effective way of reducing collisions in the short to medium term by tackling problems in the road environment directly and by seeking to counter or reduce the scope for inappropriate road user behaviour/performance. Most stakeholders have therefore devised comprehensive Road Safety Plans and programmes with specific funding allocation for engineering measures which have proven to be successful in collision reduction.
Our Road Safety Engineers can identify the relationship between various road design elements and accident risk, and focus on implementation of best practice.
Road Safety Engineering essentially involves the following:
- Collision/Accident Investigation (AI) – a reactive process involving hotspot investigation and analysis of collision and casualty statistics and trends, identifying locations that show higher than average collision rates.
- Collision / Accident Reduction (AR) – A Road Safety Engineer can use the AI process to make a judgement as to whether any of the causation factors highlighted within an existing known pattern can be addressed through safety engineering remedial measures, and thus help to reduce the collision frequency/severity at that site, and if so are there a number of potential solutions and which ones are the best for each particular site.
- Collision / Accident Prevention (AP) – A Road Safety Engineer then follows the AI and AR process by devising an effective Road Safety Strategy/Plan and Danger Reduction Plans, as well as advising on Road Safety Education, Training and Publicity Programmes. The Road Safety Engineer also implements best practice in AP through the process of Road Safety Auditing, which is a proactive process.
The RSM experience of Road Safety Engineering is based on involvement in the following types of projects and schemes:
- Infrastructural Feasibility Studies, including road design and alignment. Our knowledge of collision trends and occurrences enables us to offer best advice on optimising horizontal and vertical alignment designs, including junctions, at preliminary design stages.
- Development of Capital Programmes and route and area studies for Collision Investigation, Collision Reduction, Collision Prevention and Remedial Measures.
- Hotspot analysis of collision clusters and recommendations on remedial solutions such as signing, road marking improvements and lining, resurfacing, anti-skid, traffic calming, traffic management, junction improvements, parking management, safety cameras, vehicle activated signs, lighting, amendment of traffic regulation orders, strategic route signing, safer routes to school, 20mph zones, pedestrian facilities, cycling facilities, facilities for mobility impaired, public lighting / drainage improvements, resurfacing & skid-resistance programming, utility integration etc.
- Detailed Collision Investigation and analysis of statistical trends utilising Graphical Interface Systems (GIS) from collation and analysis of raw data (Stats 19) to production of stick and bubble diagrams and interpretation of validated data to determine any significant recurrent collision patterns at each site along with likely causation and contributory factors.
- Identifying and ranking locations showing higher than average collision rates, according to total number of collisions and severity, on single sites, areas, mass action or linear routes such as sections of main roads. The types of collision occurring at each location can be reviewed, and patterns, such as high levels of speeding, red light running or pedestrian casualties, can be identified, with conclusions always supplemented by site visits.
- The Road Safety engineering and AI process entails highlighting cases where collisions may have occurred due to highway factors, i.e. road design, traffic and environmental conditions and judging whether any of the causation factors highlighted within an existing known pattern could be addressed through safety engineering remedial measures, thus helping to reduce the collision frequency/severity at that site.
- Identification of all possible site-specific solutions (e.g. AR - traffic calming schemes) and examination of collision trends over a long timeframe (typically minimum 3 years) to identify key areas to address, such as recurring collisions involving a certain road user type, and certain age groups.
RSM can use the skills and experience outlined above to devise an effective Road Safety Strategy/Plan and Danger Reduction Plan for our clients.
RSM can also advise on the implementation of best practice and the proactive identification and assessment of potential risks during the design/construction stage on all new infrastructure projects or roads projects which involved change to current layout, to minimise or prevent collisions occurring in the future.
Safety Scheme Implementation:
- Strategic Management and Planning for Casualty Reduction
- Design of Traffic Calming and Speed Management Schemes
- Signal controlled junction upgrades
- Design of Pedestrian and cycling facilities
- Parking Facilities
- Signing and Lining Schemes
- Bus Priority Measures
- Safe Routes to School
- Traffic Management
- Traffic Regulation Orders
- Area Regeneration Studies
- Cost benefit analysis and prioritisation of all remedial measures through economic assessment and First Year Rate of Return (FYRR) analysis, enabling Best Value Practice to be implemented.
RSM continue to expand our Road Safety Engineering capabilities and experience and services provided through our Independent Road Safety Consultancy Practice, including the consideration of Human Factors in Road Collisions and integration of all reactive and proactive processes to derive the optimal solutions.
Our familiarity with the national and international raw data collection and analysis process (CT 68, PULSE, PC16, LA 16, Stats 19 etc) enables RSM to continue to offer Road Safety Engineering Advice and services to public and private sector clients in AIPR, Route and Area Studies, Design for a wide range of collision Remedial Solutions, Cost Benefit analysis and FYRR projections.
RSM has experience in working with emergency services, both in Ireland and the UK, where she engaged in active collaborative and consultation with law enforcement officers on all Road Safety related matters within their jurisdiction, including Safety Camera Partnerships and incorporation of Road Safety Design Schemes within identified collision hotspots.
RSM have extensive experience in the implementation of a Safety Camera Programme ( speed and red light cameras ) and ongoing consultation Safety Camera Partnerships. Approval of sites for red light and speed camera installation involved liaison with police and contractors, preparation of contract documents for the installation contract, interviewing contract tenderers, submission of financial reports, along with site maintenance and monitoring.
The link between road safety, collision reduction targets, emergency services and Local and National Authority functions is fundamental to the success of any Road Safety Programme or Strategy, and RSM can advise on optimal data sharing and best practice procedures which will bring significant long term savings and improvements to quality of life for all concerned stakeholders.